What is Corrosion Control and pH adjustment?

Corrosive drinking water can be caused by several factors including softness, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, acidity (low pH); and high temperature. When corrosive water interacts with the metal in plumbing and fixtures, it can dissolve them, thereby becoming contaminated with metals such as lead and copper (Pb and Cu). 

This type of drinking water typically has a low pH (acidic), usually caused by naturally occurring dissolved carbon dioxide. Air stripping adjusts the pH and eliminates the need for an addition of corrosion chemicals, which controls corrosion. 

Why is corrosive water harmful to drinking water? 

The main health concern with corrosive drinking water is that it becomes contaminated with lead and copper. Consuming these metals in sufficient amounts can cause liver and kidney damage, as well as physical and mental development issues in children.

How we treat corrosive water

We have published papers that define the removal of carbon dioxide as a solution to corrosive groundwater and associated lead and copper issues. 

Our proprietary DeepBubble™ systems are designed to provide a non-chemical solution to problems with corrosion (Pb and Cu) in distribution systems. The natural carbon dioxide is air-stripped and the pH is raised. Superior water quality is achieved using air stripping versus chemical addition.

The result: Operation is much easier. Air stripping eliminates the need for an addition of caustic and/or phosphates.